Feeling exhausted or overwhelmed around loved ones too? Then these types of people don’t deserve space in your life
It’s not about being mean or unkind, but rather about looking out for your own mental and emotional well-being.
We all have those people in our lives who just seem to drain our energy, leaving us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.
According to psychology, there are certain types of people that might not be worth keeping in touch with. It’s not about being mean or unkind, but rather about looking out for your own mental and emotional well-being.
Let’s identify such 9 types of people that you might consider giving less space in your life:
1. Constant Critic: These are the people who always seem to have something negative to say about you or your life. They’re quick to point out your flaws and rarely miss an opportunity to make you feel small or inadequate. According to psychologists, constant criticism can have a significant impact on your self-esteem and overall well-being. This isn’t about rejecting constructive criticism, it’s about identifying those who use criticism as a tool to belittle and undermine. It’s not about shutting out people who offer valuable feedback, but rather identifying those who levy criticism for its own sake. These are the individuals that might be worth reconsidering how much space they take in your life.
2. The energy vampire: I’m sure we’ve all had that one friend or colleague who leaves us feeling drained after spending just a few minutes with them. Energy vampires are those individuals who seem to suck the life right out of you. They’re often overly negative, constantly complaining, or always wrapped up in some type of drama. Spending time with them can leave you feeling depleted and drained. It’s like they have a unique ability to suck all the positivity out of any situation. While it’s important to support our friends during tough times, there’s a difference between being supportive and being used as an emotional punching bag. Pay attention to how you feel after spending time with someone.
3. One-sided friendship: In a balanced friendship, both parties give and take. However, there’s a type of person who seems to be always taking and seldom giving. They ask for favors, time, and resources, but aren’t there when you need them. Psychologists have observed that these relationships can lead to feelings of resentment and frustration. They’ve found that people who engage in one-sided relationships often report a decreased sense of self-esteem and personal value. If you’re constantly giving and not receiving anything in return, it might be time to re-evaluate your relationship with that person.
4. The perpetual victim: Life can be tough and we all face challenges. But there’s a type of person who always seems to be in crisis mode. They portray themselves as the perpetual victim, with every problem in their life being someone else’s fault. While it’s important to be supportive and empathetic when someone is going through a tough time, perpetual victims rarely take responsibility for their own actions or decisions. They blame others or circumstances for their misfortunes and seldom show any effort to change their situation. For those around them, this constant negativity and blame-shifting can be draining and detrimental to their own mental health.
5. Gossip Mongers: We’ve all encountered that person who thrives on sharing the latest scandal or rumor. It’s the gossip monger, the person who seems to know everyone’s business and can’t wait to share it. While it may seem harmless, or even entertaining at times, psychologists warn that gossip can have a corrosive effect on relationships. It breeds mistrust and can create a toxic environment whether at work, in friendships, or within families. Furthermore, if they’re gossiping to you about others, there’s a good chance they’re gossiping about you too. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and paranoia.
6. The Manipulators: One of the most challenging types of people to recognize and distance yourself from are the emotional manipulators. They have a knack for making you question your own feelings and reality, often using guilt or sympathy as tools for control. These individuals use others for their own gain, often without any regard for the other person’s feelings or well-being. They often seem caring and attentive at first. But over time, their actions reveal a pattern of manipulation that can leave you feeling confused, invalidated, and emotionally drained.
The impact on your mental health can be significant. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and a diminished sense of self-worth.
7. The relentless pessimist: The eternal pessimist is the person who always sees the glass as half-empty. No matter what happens, they always manage to find a downside. They can affect your outlook on life. Their gloom and doom perspective can be infectious and before you know it, you start mirroring their negativity.
8. The overachiever: At first glance, the overachiever might seem like the perfect person to surround yourself with. They’re driven, ambitious, and often successful. However, psychologists caution that being around overachievers can actually have a negative impact on your well-being. Their relentless pursuit of perfection can set an unrealistic standard and create a constant sense of inadequacy in those around them. You might find yourself feeling overwhelmed or even guilty for not keeping up. Moreover, overachievers often prioritize their goals over relationships, which can lead to one-sided interactions and a lack of emotional support.
9. The drama king or queen: Who doesn’t love a bit of drama? It can be entertaining, exciting even. But when it’s a constant part of your interactions with someone, it can become draining and disruptive. Enter the drama king or queen. They thrive on conflict and seem to attract crises like a magnet. Every event, no matter how small, is blown out of proportion. What should be simple conversations turn into dramatic narratives. Psychologists suggest this constant state of turmoil can be damaging to your mental health. It can create unnecessary stress and anxiety, detracting from your ability to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.