Major announcement on Birth Control Pills by the Central Government

Major announcement on Birth Control Pills by the Central Government

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Birth control pills will now be more accessible to the public, as they can be obtained without a doctor’s prescription. Previously, these pills were only available through a prescription, and healthcare professionals were not permitted to dispense them without one.

However, sources from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) have stated that the regulations for the sale and distribution of emergency contraceptive pills like I-Pill and Unwanted 72 remain unchanged, and these will still be available without a prescription.

There was some confusion regarding these regulations, with messages suggesting different changes. Nevertheless, CDSCO sources have confirmed that the rules regarding these pills have not been modified.

The birth control medications Centchroman and Ethinyl estradiol are classified under Schedule H, which means they cannot be sold without a prescription. A doctor’s prescription is mandatory to obtain these medications. However, reports suggest that there have been updates to the Schedule H regulations.

Manufacturers must now include a caution on the label stating that these pills are to be sold by retail only with a prescription from a Registered Medical Practitioner. Some strengths of these medications are listed under Schedule ‘K’ of Drugs Rules, which means they can be purchased without a doctor’s prescription. The strengths specified in Schedule K will remain available without a prescription, while all other strengths will still require one. An upcoming amendment in the Drug Rules will clarify that drugs listed in Schedule K, entry no. 15, are not covered by Schedule H. This change aims to simplify the process for selling these selected strengths of medications.
