Tourist in Gurgaon attempted to settle Taxi fare with a counterfeit Rs.500 note from ‘Manoranjan Bank, Some Users Suspect the Driver

Tourist in Gurgaon attempted to settle Taxi fare with a counterfeit Rs.500 note from 'Manoranjan Bank, Some Users Suspect the Driver

Tourist in Gurgaon attempted to settle Taxi fare with a counterfeit Rs.500 note from 'Manoranjan Bank, Some Users Suspect the Driver

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A tourist in Gurgaon inadvertently attempted to use counterfeit money, leading to a mix-up with their Uber driver. The amusingly uncomfortable situation caught the spotlight when the tourist recounted their story on Reddit, leading to a flurry of responses.

The chaos began when the driver looked at the note and started yelling, “Fake! Fake!” The tourist, puzzled by the driver’s outburst and limited English, initially misinterpreted the scene, thinking they were being insulted. The note itself was a humorous imitation, featuring the phrases ‘Churan Label’ and ‘Full of Fun’—far from the characteristics of real money.

He posted pictures of two Rs. 500 notes on the platform, which initially appeared identical. However, upon closer inspection, it became clear that one of them was a cleverly disguised counterfeit.

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The Reddit post swiftly garnered reactions from entertained users, with numerous individuals proposing a different theory: it’s possible that the driver had cunningly exchanged the tourist’s note for a counterfeit in a clever scam.

“I’m 90% sure this came from the ATM. The other 10% is me not wanting to believe an ATM could mess up like this,” says the tourist in his Reddit post. It further read “I tried to pay my Uber without noticing the toy money. Le me is a tourist casually enjoying a look around rural Gurgaon. I reached into my wallet for 3 500 notes to pay for my ride. Suddenly I’m getting yelled at by an upset driver who spoke a few words of English. He was trying to say Fake! Fake! In my confusion and with his anger and accent, it sounded like he was cursing me out. What is this, and am I officially an idiot?” he adds in the post.

The driver’s escalating frustration intensified the disorder around them. Amid a whirlwind of feelings, the tourist remembered experiencing a mix of embarrassment and confusion, questioning how they had come to possess such a blatant counterfeit bill.

This event generated a wave of laughter and commentary on Reddit. Some users commented, “That driver pulled a fast one on you,” says one comment that appeared below the post. “Welcome to India, where even our scams are creative,” said another user.

Some users expressed sympathy for the tourist’s situation, with one commenting, “This must be so embarrassing, but at least now you have a story to share.”

The incident put the tourist in an uncomfortable situation, but it highlighted the importance for tourists to consistently verify their cash.
