Bornhan on Makar Sankranti: Traditional Marathi ritual for children

Bornhan on Makar Sankranti: Traditional Marathi ritual for children

Bornhan on Makar Sankranti: Traditional Marathi ritual for children (Representational Image )

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As the vibrant festival of Makar Sankranti approaches, the heart of India resonates with the cultural symphony of Bornhan. In the tapestry of traditions that adorn this auspicious occasion, children take centre stage, experiencing the richness of their heritage through immersive and distinctly Indian rituals.

What is Bornhan ?

Bornhan means bathing the baby with different objects from nature. These items include light and healthy items that will not harm the baby. It uses natural ingredients like lahya (rice or jowar puffs), churmure, tamarind, boram, groundnut pods and carrot pieces along with various baby-like pellets, chocolates and biscuits.

This ceremony familiarizes the baby with these objects and makes him find them very amusing. Other children are also invited to this ceremony. So the baby gets to know them and this ceremony stays in his memory forever.

Traditional Ritual :

1. Turmeric and Sesame Seeds:

The sacred amalgamation of turmeric and sesame seeds takes centre stage in the traditional ritual. This timeless blend, known for its purity and auspicious properties, is a testament to the deep-rooted connection Indians share with nature.

2. Sesame Oil Massage:

Post-bath, children are lovingly massaged with sesame oil. This practice, steeped in Ayurvedic wisdom, not only nourishes their skin but also echoes the holistic approach to well-being found in ancient Indian traditions.

3. Floral Infusions:

Fragrant blossoms, such as marigold and jasmine, infuse the bathing water. This aromatic touch adds a distinctly Indian charm, reminiscent of the vibrant flower markets that adorn Indian landscapes during festive seasons.

4. Chants and Blessings:

Elders chant prayers and offer blessings, weaving a spiritual tapestry that envelops the children. The resonance of Sanskrit chants and the gentle blessings evoke the spiritual essence ingrained in Indian culture.

5. Joyful Atmosphere:

Amidst the bathing rituals, joy reverberates through the air. Laughter and playful interactions create a joyous atmosphere, reminiscent of the familial bonds that lie at the core of Indian celebrations.

6. Children’s Favourite :

Kids favourite, chocolates, green gram, sugarcane, bor (Indian Jujube), til wadi, revdis, batashe, rice puffs are all used in traditional Bornhan celebrated mainly of children below 5 years.


Bornhan’s traditional rituals for children stand as a testament to India’s cultural richness and unwavering connection to its roots. In every drop of water infused with turmeric, in every fragrant blossom, and in every heartfelt blessing, the spirit of India’s heritage comes alive, ensuring that Makar Sankranti is not just a festival but a celebration of the timeless traditions that shape the soul of the nation.