Mumbai : Popular Marathi actress cum script writer highlights garbage burning issue nearby her residence

Mumbai : Popular Marathi actress cum script writer highlights garbage burning issue nearby her residence
Mugdha Godbole Ranade, a famous Marathi actress, has raised the issue of garbage burning near her society & its hazardous effects through her social media handle.
As per further information from the social media handle of Mugdha Godbole Ranade “रोज सकाळी आमच्या आजूबाजूला कचरा जाळतात. कित्येक तास तो धूर नाकात, घश्यात जाणवत राहतो. अनेक सोसायट्याच कचरा उचलणाऱ्या माणसांना ‘इथेच जाळून टाका ‘ असं सांगतात म्हणे. म्हणजे आता ह्याबद्दलही तक्रार करणं आलं. पण हा काय आळस आहे, का दुर्लक्ष, का कामचुकारपणा? आणि असला तर कुणाचा? (Garbage is burnt in & around our area every morning. The smoke remains in the nose and throat for several hours. Many societies tell the garbage collectors to burn it here. So now, a complain about this has to be made too. But what is this laziness, why neglect, why negligence? And if so, whose?)”
In another social media post, Mugdha Godbole Ranade has raised the issue “ह्याच विषयी काल लिहिलं होतं. पोलिस कम्प्लेंट करेन असं म्हणाले आहे मी ह्या लोकांना. ह्यांचं म्हणणं आहे पालापाचोळा उचलायला एवढ्या आत गाडी येत नाही. आम्हाला पायी चालत लांबवर हे न्यावं लागतं. ह्यावर काय उपाय असतो? ह्या बायकांची दयाही येते. पण त्या जे करतायत तेही चुकीचं आहे. (I wrote about this yesterday. I have told these people that I will file a police complaint. They say that the vehicle does not come so far to pick up the garbage. We have to carry it a long way on foot. What is the solution to this? There is sympathy for these women. But what they are doing is also wrong.)”
Several people have actively commented on this.
A user says “Burning of waste and leaves is not allowed. Of course, no one listens. But this continuous smoke causes a lot of trouble.”
Another user writes “Even if the people of the society say to burn here, the employees should not listen. It will be an offense under the Pollution Control Act. The waste should be burnt at the dumping ground itself. This is the laziness of the employees.”
Another user comments “It is illegal to burn trash. File a complaint or tell them that it’s illegal and they can be fined heavily.”