Taxi driver’s son achieves 457th rank in UPSC without coaching: A tale of perseverance

Taxi driver's son achieves 457th rank in UPSC without coaching: A tale of perseverance

Taxi driver's son achieves 457th rank in UPSC without coaching: A tale of perseverance

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Shivam’s journey to success in the UPSC exams is not just a story of academic achievement but a testament to resilience and determination in the face of adversity.

Hailing from Gulabi Baag in Rewari, Haryana, Shivam’s background was far from privileged. His father, Hardayal, supported the family by driving a taxi, while his mother, Kamlesh Devi, supplemented their income by giving tuition to children at home. Despite the financial constraints, Shivam remained determined to pursue his dreams.

After completing his schooling from Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Naihchana, Shivam set his sights on higher education. He secured admission to IIT Guwahati, where he pursued his civil engineering degree. However, Shivam’s aspirations extended beyond academics. He harboured a deep desire to crack the prestigious UPSC exams and serve his country.

Unlike many of his peers who opted for coaching classes, Shivam relied solely on self-study. He dedicated long hours to his preparation, often studying for 10 to 12 hours a day. His approach was methodical and disciplined, driven by an unwavering determination to succeed.

Despite his efforts, Shivam’s first attempt at the UPSC exams proved unsuccessful. However, he refused to be deterred by this setback. Undeterred, he persisted with his efforts, channelling his disappointment into renewed determination.

In his second attempt, Shivam’s hard work paid off as he secured the 457th rank in the UPSC exams. His achievement was a moment of immense pride and joy for his family, who had stood by him through every challenge and setback.

Shivam’s success serves as an inspiration to countless others facing similar obstacles. It underscores the importance of perseverance, resilience, and the unwavering support of loved ones in achieving one’s goals.

As news of Shivam’s achievement spread, the atmosphere in Gulabi Baag was filled with celebration and pride. His story is a reminder that with grit, determination, and the support of family, no dream is beyond reach.