ICSE Class 10 and ISC Class 12 Board Exam Results Declared : Check Your Scores Now

Pune Pulse
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The long-awaited moment arrived on Sunday, May 14 as the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) announced the results for the Class 10 (ICSE) and Class 12 (ISC) board exams. Students can easily access their results on cisce.org and results.cisce.org using their unique ID and index numbers. The ICSE exams were conducted from February 27 to March 29, while the ISC exams took place from February 13 to March 31.

This declaration brings a mix of relief and excitement for students who have been eagerly anticipating their performance in these crucial examinations. The CISCE has made diligent efforts to ensure a smooth result declaration process and has provided user-friendly online platforms for students to retrieve their scores.

The ICSE Class 10 exams hold immense significance as they signify a major milestone in a student’s academic journey, shaping their future educational prospects. Similarly, the ISC Class 12 exams carry substantial weightage as they play a pivotal role in determining college admissions and career choices.

Now is the time for students to check their results and assess their hard work and dedication. Congratulations to all the successful candidates, and for those who may not have achieved their desired outcomes, remember that there are always alternative paths to success. Embrace this moment and make informed decisions about your future endeavors based on your strengths and aspirations.