Pune : Leopard Attacks Pet Dog in Kanhe Phata, Three Leopards Spotted in Chakan

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In a recent incident, a pet dog was hunted by a leopard that entered a garage in the Alephata area along the Kalyan-Nagar highway in Junnar taluka. The incident occurred on Sunday night when Sudhakar, the son of garage owner Sudama Sharma, was sleeping in the shed with his dog. The leopard pounced on the dog, swiftly carrying out the attack. Sharma, who has witnessed leopard-dog encounters before, is now calling for the immediate installation of a cage in the area to address the recurring issue.

Meanwhile, residents of Jachak vasti in the Kalus area of Chakan are living in fear following the sighting of three leopards. The presence of these feline predators has caused unease among locals, leading many to avoid going out, especially during the mornings when the leopards are known to roam the streets.

Forest officials have become aware of a video capturing the leopards near Chakan, but due to the vastness of the area, no active efforts have been made to capture them yet. This lack of action has raised concerns among the residents, who criticize the absence of awareness campaigns or measures taken by the Forest Department to address this pressing issue.

The sightings of leopards are not limited to Chakan alone, as various villages in the Khed taluka and parts of the city have also reported similar encounters. The widespread presence of leopards has instilled fear and anxiety among the residents. While some areas have only witnessed sightings, others have experienced actual attacks. Bhivgav and Dhuvoli, in particular, have seen multiple incidents of leopard attacks in recent months, resulting in tragic loss of life and severe injuries. These incidents have further amplified the fear and concern among the local population.

In light of the escalating situation, residents of Chakan and the surrounding areas are anxiously waiting for intervention from the authorities. They are urging the Forest Department to launch awareness campaigns and implement appropriate measures to ensure the safety of both humans and wildlife. As fear continues to grip the town, concerted efforts are necessary to find a sustainable solution that promotes peaceful coexistence between humans and leopards in the region.

Forest officials have not yet confirmed the presence of leopards and are advising citizens of the area to avoid going out alone after dark and to make noise, such as talking loudly, to prevent potential attacks.