Central Railway to run 76 “Pandharpur Ashadhi Ekadashi” Special Trains

Central Railway will run “Pandharpur Ashadhi Ekadashi” special trains between Nagpur-Miraj , Nagpur-Pandharpur, New Amravati-Pandharpur, Khamgaon-Pandharpur, Bhusaval-Pandharpur , Latur-Pandharpur, Miraj-Pandharpur , Miraj-Kurduwadi to clear the extra rush.
The details are as under:
1. Nagpur-Miraj specials (4 services)
Train No. 01205 special will leave Nagpur at 08.50 hrs on 25.06.2023 and 28.06.2023(2 services) and reach Miraj at 11.55 hrs next day.
Train No. 01206 special will leave Miraj at 12.55 hrs on 26.06.2023 and 29.06.2023 (2 services) and reach Nagpur at 12.25 hrs next day.
Halts: Ajni, Wardha, Pulgaon, Dhamangaon, Chandur, Badnera, Murtijapur, Akola, Shegaon, Malkapur, Bhusaval, Jalgaon, Chalisgaon, Manmad, Kopargaon, Belapur, Ahmadnagar, Daund, Kurduwadi, Pandharpur, Sangola, Mhasaba Dongargaon, Jath Road, Dhalgaon, Kavathe Mahankal and Sulgare.
Composition: Two AC- 3 Tier, 9 Sleeper Class, 9 General Second Class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans.
2. Nagpur-Pandharpur specials (4 services)
Train No. 01207 special will leave Nagpur at 08.50 hrs on 26.06.2023 and 29.06.2023(2 services) and will reach Pandharpur at 08.00 hrs next day.
Train No. 01208 special will leave Pandharpur at 17.00 hrs on 27.06.2023 and 30.06.2023(2 services) and will reach Nagpur at 12.25 hrs next day.
Halts: Ajni, Wardha, Pulgaon, Dhamangaon, Chandur, Badnera, Murtijapur, Akola, Shegaon, Malkapur, Bhusaval, Jalgaon, Chalisgaon, Manmad, Kopargaon, Belapur, Ahmednagar, Daund and Kurduwadi
Composition: One AC- 2, Tier Two AC- 3 Tier, 10 Sleeper Class, 7 General Second Class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans.
3. New Amravati-Pandharpur specials (4 services)
Train No. 01119 special will leave New Amravati at 14.40 hrs on 25.06.2023 and 28.06.2023 (2 services) and will reach Pandharpur at 09.10 hrs next day.
Train No. 01120 special will leave Pandharpur at 19.30 hrs on 26.06.2023 and 29.06.2023 (2 services) and will reach New Amravati at 12.40 hrs next day.
Halts: Badnera, Murtijapur, Akola, Shegaon, Jalamb, Nandura, Malkapur, Bodwad, Bhusaval, Jalgaon, Pachora, Chalisgaon, Nandgaon, Manmad, Kopargaon, Belapur, Ahmednagar, Daund, Kurduwadi
Composition: One AC- 2, Tier Two AC- 3 Tier, 10 Sleeper Class, 7 General Second Class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans.
4. Khamgaon-Pandharpur specials (4 services)
Train No. 01121 special will leave Khamgaon at 11.30 hrs on 26.06.2023 and 29.06.2023 (2 services) and will reach Pandharpur at 03.30 hrs next day.
Train No. 01122 special will leave Pandharpur at 05.00 hrs on 27.06.2023 and 30.06.2023 (2 services) and will reach Khamgaon at 19.30 hrs next day.
Halts: Jalamb, Nandura, Malkapur, Bodwad, Bhusaval, Jalgaon, Pachora, Chalisgaon, Nandgaon, Manmad, Kopargaon, Belapur, Ahmednagar, Daund, Kurduwadi
Composition: One AC- 2 Tier, One AC- 3 Tier, 6 Sleeper Class, 12 General Second Class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans.
5. Bhusaval-Pandharpur Special (2 services)
01159 special will leave Bhusaval at 13.30 hrs on 28.06.2023 and will arrive Pandharpur at 03.30 hrs next day.
01160 special will leave Pandharpur at 22.30 hrs on 29.06.2023 and will arrive Bhusaval at 13.00 hrs next day.
Halts Jalgoan, Pachora, Chalisgoan, Nandgoan, Manmad, Kopargaon, Belapur, Ahmednagar, Daund, Kurduwadi
Composition: 8 Sleeper Class, 6 General Sitting, 9General Second Class including 1 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans and One Generator Van
6. Latur-Pandharpur (08 Services)
Train No. 01101 Ashadi special will leave Latur at 07.30 hrs on 23.06/ 27.06/ 28.06 and 30.06.2023 (4 services) and will reach Pandharpur at 12.25 hrs same day.
Train No. 01102 Ashadi special will leave Pandharpur at 13.50 hrs on 23.06/ 27.06/ 28.06 and 30.06.2023 (4 services) and will reach Latur at 19.20 hrs same day.
Halts: Harangul, Ausa Road, Murud, Dhoki, Kalamb Road, Yedshi, Osmanabad, Pangri, Barsi Town, Shendri, Kurduwadi and Modlimb.
Composition: 8 Sleeper Class, 6 General Second Class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans
7. Miraj-Pandharpur unreserved specials (10 services)
Train No. 01147 special will leave Pandharpur at 09.20 hrs on 24.06/ 26.06/ 27.06/ 01.07 and 03.07.2023 and will reach Miraj at 12.15 hrs same day.
Train No. 01148 special will leave Miraj at 16.00 hrs on 24.06/ 26.06/ 27.06/ 01.07 and 03.07.2023 and will reach Pandharpur at 20.20 hrs same day.
Halts: Sangola, Wasud, Javale, Mhasoba Dongargaon, Jath Road, Dhalgaon, Langar Peth, Kavathe Mahankal, Sulgare , Belanki and Arag
*Composition:* One AC- 2 Tier cum AC- 3 Tier, One AC- 3 Tier ,6 Sleeper Class, 6 General Second Class including two Luggage cum Guard’s brake van
8. Miraj-Pandharpur unreserved specials (20 services)
Train No. 01107 unreserved special will leave Miraj at 05.00 hrs from 24.06.2023 to 03.07.2023 (10 services) and will reach Pandharpur at 07.40 hrs same day.
Train No. 01108 unreserved special will leave Pandharpur at 09.50 hrs from 24.06.2023 to 03.07.2023 (10 services) and will reach Miraj at 13.50 hrs same day.
Halts: Arag, Belanki, Sulgare, Kavathe Mahankal, Langarpeth, Dhalgaon, Jath Road, Mhasoba Dongargaon, Javla, Wasud and Sangola
Composition: 14 general Second Class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans
9. Miraj-Kurduwadi Fully unreserved specials (20 services)
Train No. 01209 unreserved special will leave Miraj at 15.10 hrs from 24.06.2023 to 03.07.2023 (10 services) and will reach Kurduwadi at 18.50 hrs same day.
Train No. 01210 unreserved special will leave Kurduwadi at 19.55 hrs from 24.06.2023 to 03.07.2023 (10 services) and will reach Miraj at 23.45 hrs same day.
Halts: Arag, Belanki, Sulgare, Kavathe Mahankal, Langarpeth, Dhalgaon, Jath Road, Mhasoba Dongargaon, Javla, Wasud, Sangola, Pandharpur and Modlimb.
Composition: 14 General Second Class including 2 Luggage cum Guard’s brake vans
For detailed timings and halts please visit www.enquiry.indianrail.gov.in or download NTES App.
Passengers are advised to follow Covid appropriate behaviour for their and other’s safety.