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“Sometimes the Good in us as souls on Earth elevate us beyond the shackles of emotions that we as individuals get caught into.
It is only when we dive deep within ourselves we realise it is far more better to lose in a particular situation to win in the longer run. This win that we manifest is our actual conquest of being our true selves in conjunction to the divine role or a part that we have been destined to play in one gracious life.

The ultimate truth of life is only the most beautiful souls are meant to may be give up on a situation or a circumstance but for a bigger purpose and the most soulful energy can never destroy.

Hence, when we ardently love someone so much that the cosmos conspires to ensure that more than us we place that person above us or let us say besides us and let that person deserve all the happiness and peace not because he or she is good, bad or worse but because their soul has been grounded as well to perform their roles that are meant to be released in this lifetime.”

Deep but true☝


