TCS Introduces New Work-from-Office Guidelines: Essential Information for Employees

TCS Introduces New Work-from-Office Guidelines: Essential Information for Employees
There is a range of modifications designed to streamline the system, while also ensuring that employees comply with the official policy requirements.
TCS has updated its work-from-office (WFO) policy regarding exception requests. A recent notice to its Indian employees states that personal emergencies can justify up to six days off each quarter. However, any unused days will not roll over into the following quarter.
Network-related issues can be reported for up to five entries at the same time. Any exception requests that are not addressed within 10 days will be automatically denied. Concerning late submissions, backdated entries are permitted for a maximum of two days prior to the current date, and missing WFO entry categories can be submitted for the current month until the 5th of the following month.
The company’s communication tackles space limitations by enabling employees to submit as many as 30 exceptions in one entry.
The organization has banned bulk uploads and backend entries for requesting exceptions to the office attendance policy. The updated work-from-office regulations have implemented more stringent attendance requirements. An email sent to TCS did not receive a response by the time of publication.
TCS took the initiative, alongside a handful of other Indian IT firms, by adopting a five-day office attendance policy. In contrast, other companies mandate in-office work for only two or three days each week. To promote compliance, TCS has tied variable compensation to attendance.
“I urge every leader to foster a positive and happy workplace, where everyone looks forward to working and collaborating with others,” says Milind Lakkad, HR Head, TCS.
After the announcement of the quarterly results, Lakkad communicated to the employees that entry-level staff would receive their complete variable pay, while the variable pay for mid and senior-level employees would be adjusted based on the company’s performance.
TCS has announced that entry-level employees will receive their complete variable pay. For those in mid and senior positions, the variable pay will be contingent on the company’s overall performance.
It will be fascinating to see how these trends shape the future for TCS.