Unveiling the shocking truth: Why your phone is a germ haven and how to clean it safely

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In today’s digital age, our smartphones have become indispensable tools that we carry everywhere. But did you know that these devices are teeming with more bacteria than a toilet seat? It’s a startling reality that often goes unnoticed until we consider the potential health risks.

According to Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiology professor at the University of Arizona, our constant interaction with various surfaces throughout the day results in the transfer of germs onto our hands and fingers. When we touch our phones, these germs are transferred onto the device, which we then bring close to our faces, increasing the risk of illness transmission.

In fact, studies have shown that mobile phones harbour a variety of bacteria, including those that can cause illnesses like colds and flu. Susan Whittier, director of clinical microbiology at New York-Presbyterian and Columbia University Medical Center, warns that viruses can survive on phone surfaces for hours, making them potential hotspots for infection transmission.

Even waterproof phones, touted for their durability, are not immune to germ buildup. While they can withstand dunking, they still require regular cleaning to remove bacteria. For such devices, a simple solution of rubbing alcohol and distilled water can be sprayed onto the phone’s surface and wiped clean with a cotton swab.

For non-waterproof phones, caution is advised when cleaning to avoid damage. Disinfectant wipes labelled safe for use on electronics can be used to wipe down the screen and back of the device, ensuring thorough sanitization.

Alternatively, a standard microfiber cloth can be used to wipe away surface dirt and debris, offering a quick and easy cleaning solution.

To minimize the risk of microbial contamination, experts recommend avoiding phone usage in environments prone to bacterial spread, such as bathrooms. The act of flushing toilets can aerosolize bacteria, leading to potential contamination of nearby surfaces, including phones. 

In conclusion, while smartphones offer unparalleled convenience and connectivity, it’s crucial to remain vigilant about hygiene practices to mitigate the risk of microbial contamination. By adopting simple yet effective cleaning routines and being mindful of where and how we use our phones, we can better protect ourselves from the unseen dangers lurking on these essential devices.