Wagholi : Citizens demand justice and compensation for deceased couples family and and improved traffic system near Kesnand phata

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Pune: Two people, Ashok Martand Kale and Varsha Ashok Kale, were killed in a severe accident that took place at Kesnand Phata on April 26, 2023. The couple was on a two-wheeler when they were hit by a dumper owned by Swapneel Bhumkar and driven by Bhaskar Pandharinath Kand. The impact of the collision was so severe that the dumper carried the two-wheeler several meters away, causing the wheels to run over the couple’s heads, killing them on the spot.

Following the incident, 514 citizens of Wagholi, led by Team Wagholi Against Corruption, took to the streets to protest against the lack of action taken by authorities to prevent such accidents. They demanded that a case be filed against the culprit and that appropriate measures be taken to ensure justice for the deceased. The protestors also demanded that the families of the victims be given a compensation of Rs 1 crore.

The traffic system in Wagholi has completely collapsed, which has led to an increase in accidents in the area. The protestors asked the authorities to investigate the incident thoroughly and take strict action against the culprits responsible for the accident. They also urged the authorities to take immediate steps to smoothen the traffic system in the area to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

In response to the protest, the police inspector assured the protestors that he would file a case against the accused and take appropriate action. He also promised to investigate the accident thoroughly and ensure justice for the victims’ families. The police inspector further assured the protestors that efforts would be made to improve the traffic system in the area.Â