Bengaluru Tech Professional Falls to Tragic Death Attempting to Dispose of Cigarette Ash from Friend’s 33rd-Floor Apartment

Pune News : Software Engineer falls 600ft from Tamhini Ghat Selfie Point , Dies

Pune News : Software Engineer falls 600ft from Tamhini Ghat Selfie Point , Dies

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On Friday morning, a 27-year-old software engineer who had been out partying until late, the night before the new year fell to his death by accident from the 33rd-floor balcony of his friend’s apartment in Bhattarahalli, near KR Pura, in east Bengaluru. According to preliminary investigations, the deceased fell close to the apartment complex’s walking track after tripping over while attempting to toss cigarette ash.

As per further information, the deceased had been residing in Kodigehalli (KR Pura) and was originally from Uttar Pradesh. According to the police, his father, a retired member of the Indian Air Force, resides in Horamavu with other family members.

On Thursday evening, the deceased went to the apartment of a mutual friend, along with three other friends, and they all went to a Whitefield mall to see a movie. As the film was already underway, they went to an Indiranagar pub. After that, they left for home at 2:30 am, in the morning. The deceased dozed off in the living room while his friends slept in the bedrooms, a police officer reported.

A police officer said that friends couldn’t find the deceased on Friday morning, so they thought that he might have gone back to his house in Kodigehalli. The deceased’s friends were inside the room when the incident occurred. It’s still unclear how the deceased fell.