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In the age of diagnosis where every illness gets slotted into a diagnosis, some set of symptoms just go undiagnosed. Most of the pains in joints have some diagnosis or the other, but quite a few tend to go undiagnosed. This is where homeopathy has a big role to play; homeopathic remedies for joint pains work on a symptom-based system of medicine and the prescription does not get affected by the scientific diagnosis. Treating severe aches and pains conventionally may bring unwanted side effects.
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Homoeopathy has much to offer, some of the most common presentations in general practice are pain in joints and muscles. Sometimes these problems are acute, as in sports injuries, sometimes they are chronic, as in osteoarthritis, RA, spondylosis, and sometimes they are intermittent, as in back pain. Whatever the problem is, the treatment option in other systems may be prescription of an anti-inflammatory drug, a local steroid injection or referral to a rheumatologist.

Homoeopathy can offer help in many such situations which otherwise might cause prolonged incapacity. This method of treatment comes into its own when side-effects are experienced with the use of conventional medication, some of which can be very serious.

Dr.Shweta V Pawar, M.D. (Homoeopathy); M.S.(Counselling & Psychotherapy). Ph: 9545600199, Medixpress polyclinic, 101/102, Girme Tower, Salunke Vihar Road, Pune – 411048