Pune Accident: Two-Wheeler Rider Fatally Hit by Speeding Dumper at Golf Chowk, Yerwada
In a tragic incident on Thursday morning, a two-wheeler rider lost his life after being struck by a speeding dumper at Golf Chowk, Yerwada. The victim, Deepak Keshav Bhatevara, a 40-year-old resident of Lohgaon, Pune, was riding his Activa scooter when the accident occurred around 7:30 a.m.
The dumper truck, driven by Bhima Tukaram Kattamani (31), was traveling at high speed from Loop Road towards Pune-Ahmednagar Road when it collided with Bhatevara’s scooter. The force of the collision caused Bhatevara to fall under the truck’s wheels, resulting in his instant death.
Yerwada police have detained Kattamani following the incident. The accident has heightened concerns over reckless driving by heavy vehicles in the area, as well as broader traffic management issues, including unregulated private buses, which contribute to accidents and traffic congestion.