Visitors stuck at Katraj snake park rescued

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A visitor in the zoo apparently called up the former corporator of the area, Vasant More, who in turn arranged for help immediately.

A Sunday visit to the snake park at Pune Municipal Corporation-run Rajiv Gandhi National Zoo, Katraj turned out to be a nightmare for at least 30 citizens who got stuck in the heavy rains inside the zoo.As the heavy rains started pouring around 4 PM, visitors got stuck near the elephant cage-side area and could barely move. As the rain receded slowly, the residents moved into a pagoda in the area and took shelter. Anxious residents called up the local authorities but did not receive any help. A visitor in the zoo apparently called up the former corporator of the area, Vasant More, who in turn arranged for help immediately.


While speaking to Pune Pulse, Vasant More said, “A visitor to the park called me and sought help. Since the working hours of the battery operators was nearing an end and heavy rains inundating the area, the operators moved out of the zoo premises, making the movement of the visitors difficult. Somehow, I managed to arrange the vehicles for the rescue of people and brought them safely to the main gate area. These people had ventured deep inside the zoo which is around 1.5 kms from the gate. They had no access to the main gate as it was raining heavily. All those who were stuck have been brought to safety.”
