Webinar to eradicate stigma around Autism Spectrum Disorder on April 2

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To raise awareness and eradicate the stigma around this neurodevelopmental disorder, the UN designated April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day in 2007. 

In lieu of that, Cognidarn Therapeutics in Baner is set to conduct a free online webinar on Sunday in order to spread awareness and dismantle the prejudice and stigma around the disorder. 

For parents, teachers and netizens alike, the webinar will impart knowledge about how various therapies have come to help autistic children and what we can do to help in our position. Devyna Kulkarni, Executive Director and Sensory Integration therapist at Cognidarn, explained to us how their personalized sessions have come to show a difference in a child’s manner and behaviour in and about 6-8 weeks itself- especially in classrooms. 

The centre is said to be one of the most highly recommended places by schools and psychologists to get an assessment for your child. They are equipped with the latest tools and technologies to provide customized interventions and individualized treatment plans by highly skilled therapists who have received advanced training in evidence-based interventions. She gave an example of how Neurocognitive Engagement Therapy helps children to maintain eye contact- one of the basic therapies that come under the eleven prelinguistic skills. 

With these examples, the webinar will cover various aspects of navigating the world of autism- be it social interaction, attention span, hyper energy, sensory overload, tantrums and meltdowns, etc. Autism is a disorder very prevalent yet one of the least focused upon- therefore, it’s important to do our best to learn more about it through professional and qualified means. Register for this free webinar and do your part in this movement: https://www.cognidarn.com/webinar-registration

Shriya Simran Pradhan  

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