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The World Health Organization (WHO) will celebrate its diamond jubilee on 7 April 2023. The agency, which came into existence in 1948 with the first-ever World Health Assembly, decided to honour this date by celebrating it as World Health Day from the year 1950. Ever since then, World Health Day has been a global initiative to raise awareness and take meaningful action in the sphere of public health issues and interests.

World Health Day brings attention to a particular theme every year and organizes events around it to relay special focus on this topic. The 2023 topic is ‘Health for All’ which aims to encourage basic healthcare access in all parts of the world. WHO emphasizes that universal health care should be one of the core economic development goals. Primary health care in the remotest of areas as well as literacy around medical well-being should not be a luxury but rather a basic right. We also should look up more about the predicaments rural areas face when it comes to basic health care services like immunization and vaccines and see how we can do our part as well as participate in awareness events.

Dr. Rajendra Khetre of Om Clinic, General Physician, Wadgaon Sheri says that the most basic and easiest way to take care of ourselves is to engage in physical activity regularly. Be it running, swimming or any other sports activity can help you keep your body active which will keep a lot of diseases and medical problems away.

Simply stretching every day and consuming nutritional and healthy food for a balanced diet can help you a lot in the long run. This World Health Day, take the pledge of caring for your own body and give it its due as well as educate ourselves about how we can help healthcare reach all.

Shriya Simran Pradhan