11 Winter super foods you must consume

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Winters are the most ideal times to tickle the taste buds with many interesting foods which are available in abundance.

Let us know in detail which 11 super foods can be consumed during this period. A bit of proper planning and creativity, it is easily possible to include fresh fruits and vegetables which are loaded with plenty of nutrients and flavor throughout these cold days in your diet.

The markets are abuzz with fresh and colorful fruits and vegetable such as Carrots, Turnips, Beetroot, Raddish, Mustard leaves, Green peas, and many others.

Carrots are packed with beta-carotene. They make an excellent base for soups, stews and risotto. Rich in vitamin A, carrots helps in fighting with cold and flu and also protects you from infections which are very common during winters.

Mustard Leaves is a popular winter vegetable (Known as Sarson ka saag) and a good combination of it is along with Makki ki roti (roti made with corn flour). These leafy goodies help control cholesterol levels, is required for good eyesight, counter constipation as well colon cancer disease. They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin K and antioxidants.

Raddish is rich with antioxidants. It also contains Vitamin C, B and folate. Raddish can be grated and used as a stuffing to make Parathas.
Turnips are rich in nutrients and calcium. Turnips is a high fiber food and helps in reducing pressure and
inflammation on colon.

Green peas are abundantly available in this season. They are tender and sweet and mostly eaten in patties, sauted with other veggies or even used in Samosa (a popular Indian snack). Peas are low in fat but high in protein, fiber and micro nutrients. The high fiber content in peas improves bowel health and peristalsis.

Beetroot is rich in Vitamin A, B, C and potassium. Beetroot can be used in making Halwa, salad or in patties too.

You can also include freshly arvested spinach, fenugreek leaves, brinjals, cabbage, cauliflower, strawberries, mulberries, figs, etc.
Make your winters fun, consume fresh food and vegetables and make yourself young and energetic.
