Ayurveda shares wrong food combinations; Click to know more

Pune Pulse Ayurveda shares wrong food combinations; Click to know more

Ayurveda shares wrong food combinations; Click to know more

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Ayurveda, which has been in existence for over 5000 years, emphasizes the importance of our diet in determining our overall health. This ancient science of life recognizes health as a state of balance between dhatus (tissues), doshas, agni (eliminating toxins), and a contented mind. Therefore, food plays a crucial role in maintaining the equilibrium of these health indicators.

What is the relationship between dhatus, agni, and digestion in Ayurveda?

In Ayurveda, the process of digestion involves three stages: assimilation, absorption, and elimination. These stages are closely linked to the functioning of Agni, which plays a crucial role in transforming food into energy, nourishing the dhatus, and supporting the body. Any disruption in Agni can cause an imbalance in energies and result in various diseases.

There are a total of seven dhatus or tissues in the human body, which consist of Rakta (blood), Rasa (plasma), Meda (fat), Mamsa (muscle), Asthi (bone), Majja (bone-marrow), and Shukra (reproductive fluid). Our body processes the food we consume, starting with rasa and ending with shukra. However, consuming incompatible food, known as viruddha anna, can disrupt our metabolism and prevent our tissues from receiving the necessary nourishment. It is important to maintain a proper diet to ensure our bodily functions run smoothly.

What are some food combinations that should be avoided due to their negative effects?

Poor food combinations, also known as viruddha ahara, can disrupt digestion, lead to the accumulation of toxins, and cause imbalances in the body. These combinations hinder the absorption of essential nutrients, preventing proper nourishment.

Avoid food combinations, including:

1.         Milk is not compatible with fruits, melons, sour fruits, and bananas. It should not be consumed with salty items such as samosa/paratha/khichadi. Don’t boil it with tea.

2.         Grains should not be consumed with Tapioca and Fruits.

3.         One should not consume fruits and milk with vegetables.

4.         Beans are the wrong combination with eggs, milk, fish,  fruits, yogurt, and meat.

5.        Yogurt is to be avoided with cheese, hot drinks, sour fruits, milk, mangoes, nightshades, beans         

6.            Fat and proteins are mismatched foods as they need different digestive juices.

7.            Cheese cannot be paired with eggs, fruits, hot drinks, milk, beans, yogurt.

8.            Proteins are not compatible with starches and their collective consumption may result in delayed digestion.

9.            Nightshades (tomato, potato, etc) are not compatible with fruits like cucumber, melon, and dairy products.

10.         Milk, yogurt, tomatoes, and cucumber are incompatible with lemons.

Ayurveda provides an extensive compilation of incorrect food pairings. This compilation serves as a helpful reference to steer clear of unfavorable food choices. By refraining from these unfavorable combinations, one can prevent issues such as fermentation, indigestion, and putrefaction. For further assistance, it is advisable to seek guidance from a certified Ayurvedic practitioner.
