Bengaluru entrepreneur exposes financial fraud scheme, urges vigilance

Bengaluru entrepreneur exposes financial fraud scheme, urges vigilance

Bengaluru entrepreneur exposes financial fraud scheme, urges vigilance

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In yet another cautionary tale of financial fraud, Bengaluru entrepreneur Aditi Chopra took to social media to share her harrowing experience and offer crucial advice to fellow netizens. 

Detailing a close encounter with a scam, Chopra emphasized the importance of vigilance in safeguarding one’s financial assets.

Chopra recounted an alarming incident where she received a call from an individual claiming to transfer money to her father, citing issues with his own bank account. Shockingly, the caller recited Chopra’s 10-digit mobile number, setting off a chain of suspicious events.

As Chopra remained on the call, fraudulent SMS notifications flooded her phone, purportedly crediting hefty sums of money to her account. The scamster, feigning a mistake, insisted that only a fraction of the credited amount was intended, urging Chopra to return the excess funds urgently.

Recognizing the urgency manufactured by the scamster as the “real game,” Chopra underscored the need for careful scrutiny of such transactions. She astutely observed discrepancies in the SMS format, highlighting the absence of a branded company ID and the use of a 10-digit phone number, indicative of a scam.

In a proactive move, Chopra not only shared screenshots of the fraudulent SMSes but also alerted the cyber cell, advocating for collective awareness and action against such fraudulent activities.

Her ordeal serves as a stark reminder for individuals to verify transactions independently, cross-checking with their actual bank accounts on separate devices, and never relying solely on SMS notifications. By staying vigilant and informed, Chopra’s message resonates as a beacon of caution in navigating the perilous landscape of financial transactions.
