Bengaluru Incident: Viral Video Shows ‘Possessed’ Woman Deliberately Hitting Car, Sparks Debate on Need for Dashcams in India

Bengaluru Incident: Viral Video Shows 'Possessed' Woman Deliberately Hitting Car, Sparks Debate on Need for Dashcams in India

Bengaluru Incident: Viral Video Shows 'Possessed' Woman Deliberately Hitting Car, Sparks Debate on Need for Dashcams in India

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A recent viral video from Bengaluru has sparked widespread discussion after a dashcam captured a bizarre incident involving a woman who appeared to deliberately hit a moving car. The footage, which has taken social media by storm, shows the woman standing in the middle of a busy road and intentionally colliding with vehicles, including the one equipped with the dashcam.

The video reveals the woman standing directly in the path of oncoming cars, seemingly waiting for a collision. Despite the driver slowing down and attempting to avoid her, she intentionally threw herself onto the car’s bonnet, pretending to be hit. The dashcam footage clearly shows that the car was being driven cautiously, and the woman’s actions were deliberate.

The incident has left many questioning the woman’s motives, with some speculating she may have been mentally unwell, intoxicated, or attempting to stage the situation to extort money from drivers.

As the video went viral, netizens emphasized the importance of dashcams in India, with many urging drivers to install cameras in their vehicles. Comments like “Dashcam is a must in India” and “Dashcam is a savior!” flooded social media, highlighting the critical role such devices play in protecting drivers from fraudulent claims.

Some online users reacted humorously, linking the incident to the recent release of the movie Stree 2 and joking that the woman’s actions were inspired by the film.

The incident underscores the growing need for dashcams on Indian roads to safeguard against unexpected and potentially fraudulent situations.