Bengaluru Woman Loses Rs 2.7 Crore in Instagram Group Scam: What You Need to Know

Bengaluru Woman Loses Rs 2.7 Crore in Instagram Group Scam What You Need to Know

Bengaluru Woman Loses Rs 2.7 Crore in Instagram Group Scam What You Need to Know

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In a distressing incident, a 52-year-old woman entrepreneur fell prey to cybercrooks, losing a staggering Rs 2.7 crore in a recent online scam. Despite ongoing awareness efforts by publications, such scams continue to proliferate. Here’s what unfolded.

Between April 6 and April 22, the victim, tempted by promises of easy money, unwittingly became ensnared in a fraudulent scheme initiated through a link on her mobile phone. 

Entering an Instagram group, she initially engaged in activities like liking YouTube channels for monetary rewards. However, the scheme quickly escalated to investment offers, with assurances of doubling returns in a short span. Sadly, her trust was manipulated, resulting in significant financial losses.

Upon realization, the victim promptly reported the incident to cybercrime authorities, leading to the tracing and freezing of the perpetrators’ bank accounts. 

Despite operating through various platforms like Instagram and Telegram, law enforcement managed to track the financial trail. With court authorization, Rs 1.7 crore is slated for return to the victim, with an additional Rs 30 lakh awaiting clearance.

Prompt filing of a police complaint facilitated the freezing of accounts, with police noting this as one of the largest sums returned to a cybercrime victim recently. 

To safeguard against such scams, exercising caution is paramount. Skepticism towards offers promising quick returns with minimal effort is essential. Verify the legitimacy of investment opportunities and refrain from engaging with suspicious links or messages. Staying informed about common scam tactics and promptly reporting any suspicious activity to authorities can mitigate risks and enhance chances of recovery.
