Brain teaser challenge: Can you solve this number sequence puzzle?

Brain teaser challenge: Can you solve this number sequence puzzle?

Brain teaser challenge: Can you solve this number sequence puzzle?

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Brain teasers that require mathematical and reasoning skills can be both challenging and entertaining. These puzzles often leave people scratching their heads, pondering the correct answer. If you love solving such intriguing questions, we have the perfect brain teaser for you.

This particular brain teaser was shared on Instagram by the handle @battlepromms. The puzzle presented is: “What number comes next in the following sequence? 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, ?” The seemingly simple sequence has sparked a lot of interest and debate among users.

The post has been up for a few days and has garnered numerous likes and comments. 

Many users have shared their answers in the comments section, with some suggesting the next number in the sequence is “44” and others proposing “40.” 

The puzzle continues to engage and puzzle many minds.

Let’s delve into the sequence to uncover the pattern:

– Starting with 2 to 4: \(2 \times 2 = 4\)

– From 4 to 8: \(4 \times 2 = 8\)

– From 8 to 10: \(8 + 2 = 10\)

– From 10 to 20: \(10 \times 2 = 20\)

Observing the pattern, it alternates between multiplying by 2 and adding 2. Following this pattern, after multiplying by 2 to get from 10 to 20, the next step should be to add 2:

\[20 + 2 = 22\]

Therefore, the next number in the sequence is 22.

In another viral brain teaser on social media, the challenge was: “If ENTRY is coded as 12345 and STEADY is coded as 931785, then how would TENANT be coded?” 

These brain teasers continue to captivate and challenge minds, providing a delightful mental workout for puzzle enthusiasts.
