Controller of Communications Accounts (MH&Goa) holds Licensee Outreach Program and Pensioner Outreach Program in Pune

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In view of the guidelines formulated by Department of Telecom, the O/o Controller of Communications Accounts (CCA), Maharashtra & Goa, Ministry of Communications, Government of India organized a LICENSEE OUTREACH PROGRAM & PENSIONER OUTREACH PROGRAM at Conference Hall, O/o BSNL PGMT PUNE on 24TH November 2022. 

S.K. Mishra, Advisor (Finance), Digital Communications Commission, Department of Telecom, New Delhi, was the Chief Guest. Smt. Vibha Govil Mishra, CCA (MH & Goa) as well as other senior officers of O/o CCA (MH & Goa) were present.

In Licensee Outreach Program, guidance was given to Licensees regarding the basic conditions of License and also the recent guidelines issued by DOT on the matter. They were also guided / given live DEMO about the functions of the Revenue Management System – SARAS; which is a single platform for all the activities of license including payments and submission of documents. Discussions about rationalization of Bank Guarantees in pursuance of the decision of the Union Cabinet – Telecom Reform 2021 were also conducted. 


Around 250 Licensee attended the workshop and got themselves acquainted with SARAS which would help them in future for uploading of documents, making timely payments etc. Queries raised by the Licensee were also addressed. This will help CCA office to keep in touch with the licensees and will solve the problems of not receiving the documents / payments on time to a great extent, thereby streamlining the entire process of revenue assessments and collection.

Grievances from Pensioners were addressed by the officers / officials of O/o CCA (MH & Goa) and settled to the satisfaction of Pensioners. Pensioners ID cards were distributed to around 500 pensioners with their details (viz DOB, Last pay drawn etc.) mentioned. Digital Life Certificate facility was also there to help pensioners furnish their annual life certificate easily and quickly.

This Pensioner outreach programme also helps the CCA Offices to promote / educate the Pensioners about the various steps taken by Government for the benefit of the Pensioners. The Pensioners appreciated the efforts taken by O/o CCA (MH & Goa) and were happy to receive the ID cards.

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