Controversial video: Pakistani YouTuber Nouman Hassan pets Cheetah, raises concerns over wildlife interaction

Controversial video: Pakistani YouTuber Nouman Hassan pets Cheetah, raises concerns over wildlife interaction

Controversial video: Pakistani YouTuber Nouman Hassan pets Cheetah, raises concerns over wildlife interaction

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Nouman Hassan’s encounter with the cheetah definitely sparked controversy. It’s concerning to see someone engaging with a wild animal in such an informal setting, especially when it could lead to harm for both the human and the animal. 

Encounters like these can perpetuate the misconception that wild animals are tame and safe to interact with, which can have dangerous consequences for both the animals and the people involved.

Throughout the video, the captive cheetah remains seated on the sofa.

The video has over 91 million views since he posted it earlier this week.

People who watched the stunt slammed the man for his act.

“It is a wild animal, not a pet. Respect animals,” a user said.

Another user said that the cheetah’s claws were clipped. “If not, (the cheetah) would slid his neck open,” the person said.

“So cruel for this beautiful animal. It should be in its natural environment. Just so cruel,” a user named Catherine commented

Nouman Hassan, who has over nine million subscribers on YouTube and over two million followers on Instagram, had gotten into trouble with authorities in Pakistan in the past after he was seen walking a tiger on a leash in Lahore.

On Friday, he posted another video of him teasing the cheetah with a cushion.

“Poor cheetah, you all are teasing him,” an Instagram user said in the comments section.

It’s also worth noting that keeping wild animals as pets is not only potentially dangerous but also illegal in many places for good reason. Wildlife laws exist to protect endangered species and ensure their conservation, and private ownership can disrupt ecosystems and endanger animal welfare.

Hopefully, this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting wild animals and the laws that protect them.