Eating Away Addiction: No Tobacco Day 2024 Celebrates Healing Power Of Food

Eating Away Addiction: No Tobacco Day 2024 Celebrates Healing Power Of Food

Eating Away Addiction: No Tobacco Day 2024 Celebrates Healing Power Of Food

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While battling nicotine addiction may seem daunting, there’s an unexpected ally in our kitchens – food! Imagine overcoming those relentless cravings with the aid of everyday ingredients. 

31 May 2024

By Payoshi Bisht 

Every year, on 31st May, the globe unites to observe No Tobacco Day, shedding light on the detrimental effects of smoking and urging individuals to kick the habit. While battling nicotine addiction may seem daunting, there’s an unexpected ally in our kitchens – food! Imagine overcoming those relentless cravings with the aid of everyday ingredients. Intrigued? Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of food and its role in combating tobacco addiction. 

In an exclusive conversation with Dr. Swati Gupta, a distinguished Professor at the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Subharti Dental College and Hospital, Meerut, we uncovered the secrets behind using food to manage and diminish tobacco cravings.

“Tobacco contains thousands of chemicals, many of which are carcinogens, posing severe health risks,” explains Dr. Gupta. “Nicotine, the addictive compound in tobacco, hijacks our brain’s pleasure centre, leading to dependency and a host of health issues, including high blood pressure and stroke.”

But fear not, as Dr. Gupta unveils seven surprising foods already nestled in your fridge that can help you kick tobacco cravings to the curb:

1. Peppermint: Harness the power of peppermint, available in various forms like gums and candies, to counter withdrawal symptoms. Aromatherapy with peppermint can elevate dopamine levels, offering a natural alternative to tobacco.

2. Fruits and Vegetables: Load up on fresh produce rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Fruits like muskmelon, watermelon and berries not only nourish but also satiate cravings. Say goodbye to fatty foods and embrace nature’s bounty.

3. Water: Stay hydrated to tackle cravings effectively. Dr. Gupta emphasises the importance of drinking water as part of the 4Ds strategy – delay, distract, drink water and deep breaths. Opt for water over caffeinated beverages to quench your thirst.

4. Vegetable and Spice Sticks: Employ behavioural therapy with alternatives like carrot sticks, celery and cinnamon sticks. These crunchy delights not only distract but also replenish vital nutrients.

5. Milk: Surprisingly, dairy products like milk and yogurt can make cigarettes taste less appealing. Research suggests that incorporating dairy into your diet can aid in managing cravings.

6. Gum and Mints: Combat cravings with the long-lasting relief of gum and mints. Keep these handy for a quick fix whenever the urge strikes.

7. Fresh Lime Juice: Swap nicotine gums for a refreshing glass of lime juice. Packed with vitamin C and antibacterial properties, lime juice offers a wholesome alternative to curb cravings.
