Gpay to no longer work in ‘this’ country. Click to know reason

Gpay to no longer work in 'this' country. Click to know reason

Gpay to no longer work in 'this' country. Click to know reason

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Google has announced that it will shut down its standalone GPay app for US users on June 4, 2024. The app will no longer be available on the Google Play Store or function on existing devices. Alongside this move, peer-to-peer (P2P) payment functionality within the region will be discontinued.

Shift to Google Wallet

The decision marks a strategic shift by Google, aiming to consolidate its mobile payment services within the Google Wallet app. Users will now manage payment methods, tap to pay at stores, and pay online directly through Google Wallet.

Impact on users

Existing payment methods linked to GPay will automatically transfer to Google Wallet to ensure a smooth transition for users. However, P2P payments, which were popular for splitting bills or sending money to friends, will no longer be available in the US.

Reason for the shutdown

While Google hasn’t explicitly stated the reasons for shutting down the GPay app, some speculate it could be an effort to streamline the user experience and potentially reduce development costs. Additionally, Google Wallet may offer better integration with other Google services, providing a more unified platform.

International availability

Google clarified that this change applies only to the United States. The GPay app versions in other markets, such as India and Singapore, will continue to operate as usual. “For the millions of people who use the Google Pay app in India and Singapore, nothing will change as we continue to build for the unique needs in those countries,” Google stated in a blog post.

This transition reflects Google’s ongoing efforts to refine its payment services and provide a cohesive user experience through Google Wallet.
