Kalyani Nagar residents in trouble due to rubble

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Even after fifteen days of work completion, the Pune Municipal Corporation has not picked up the rubble from Lane number 9 A in Kalyani Nagar. The residents of the area are having a tough time to cross the road as the rubble lying is posing severe threat to life.

A resident of Kalyani Nagar complained that the rubble has been lying unattended for more than two weeks. The work of laying storm water line is completed in the lane. But PMC has forgotten to clean up the mess. This rubble is posing threat to bikers as it is right in the middle of the road.

When Pune Pulse spoke to Anand Sarvade, former corporator of the area he informed that the PMC officials both road department and drainage department have been told several times to clean the area. But none have taken action. There is lack of coordination between the two departments which is affecting the local residents badly.

Pune Pulse spoke to Sidram Patil, Junior Engineer, sewage department of that area who assured that the rubble will be picked up soon

Sarvade informed that PMC had carried the work of laying storm water line in the area as during monsoon, the rain water often entered society premises. After the lines were laid, PMC has started to resurface the road but has ignored to pick up the rubble.
