Malpani Greens society in Wakad provides platform for women entrepreneurs by holding grand exhibition

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Women empowerment and financial freedom of women in the present day is a big necessity, it has always been but now in the 21st century it’s so important for a society to progress further and encourage women to come forward and chase their dreams, work towards their passion and grow. 

 A resident of the society, Bhagwat Phad informed, “We at Malpani Greens , Wakad are so proud of the fact that our society has many Women entrepreneurs from different fields. This was another event organised by MGCC to showcase the talent across fields and bring out the best from the women entrepreneurs. To promote their ventures and to highlight their products and services we had conducted the event in our society on 16 April 2023. We have in house bakers, professional coaches, artists, ladies specializing in cooking various dishes and supplying authentic snacks and groceries and many more.” 

The event was a huge success, and many stalls were sold out in a record time of 1.5 hrs. These women are very passionate about their ventures and their dedication and hard work was very well reflected in their work. They were accompanied by their family members, and it proves that everyone should come forward and support the women of their household and give them the wings to fly higher and higher. We take pride in the fact that we live amongst such achievers. We wish them all the best for their future. We publish here the list of women who participated and their venture details.

“We formed a special cultural committee to provide a platform to resident ms to showcase talent and celebrate festivals. This year to celebrate the women’s day theme “Embrace Equity”, arranged special events to promote society women entrepreneurs. It helped to showcase their business to all residents and opened a big opportunity,” said Bhagwat Phad, Malpani Greens cultural committee. 
