No driving test at RTO’s For License: MoRTH Simplifies Procedure With New Regulations From June 1

No driving test at RTO's For License: MoRTH Simplifies Procedure With New Regulations From June 1

No driving test at RTO's For License: MoRTH Simplifies Procedure With New Regulations From June 1

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The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has announced major changes to the driving license procedure, effective June 1, 2024. The new rules aim to simplify the process by eliminating mandatory driving tests at Regional Transport Offices (RTOs).

Under the new system, aspiring drivers can now take their practical driving exams at government-approved private training centres. These centres will be authorized to conduct driving tests and issue certificates qualifying applicants for a driver’s license.

To ensure quality, private training centres must meet specific criteria. They need at least 1 acre of land for two-wheeler training and 2 acres for four-wheelers. Additionally, they must have suitable testing facilities and qualified trainers. Trainers should have a high school diploma, at least 5 years of experience, and knowledge of IT systems and biometrics.

The new regulations are expected to ease the process, which currently involves numerous steps and delays. The fees for various licensing services are as follows:


• Learner’s license: Rs 150

• Learner’s license test: Rs 50

• Driving test: Rs 300

• Driving license issuance: Rs 200

• International Driving Permit: Rs 1,000

• Adding another vehicle class to the license: Rs 500

• License renewal: Rs 200 (after grace period: Rs 300 + Rs 1,000 per year)

• Duplicate license for driving instruction school: Rs 5,000

• Appeal against licensing authority orders: Rs 500

• Change of address or other particulars in the driving license: Rs 200

These changes aim to make obtaining a driving license more accessible and less cumbersome for applicants across India.
