Non-payment of challan could result in penalty; Read to know more

Pune Pulse

Non-payment of challan could result in penalty; Read to know more

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If you happen to be a car driver, this information will prove to be highly beneficial for you. Non-payment of the challan could lead to potential penalties being imposed upon you.

If you are a car driver, this news will be of great importance to you. Failure to pay a fine for violating traffic rules within the specified timeframe will result in severe consequences imposed by the traffic police or transport department. If you fail to pay the fine for your car or motorcycle on time, your vehicle will be categorized as ‘Not to be Transacted’ on the vehicle portal after a period of 90 days, which is equivalent to three months from the date the fine was deducted.

If the challan remains unpaid, all the services provided by the transport department for the vehicle portal will be suspended. These services encompass vehicle fitness check, pollution check, vehicle transfer, and address change. In order to reinstate these services, the challan must be settled.

The number of pending challans has witnessed a significant rise, as stated by department officials. In light of this, a more stringent approach is being adopted. It is worth mentioning that this rule was already in place. Previously, the process was manual, resulting in considerable time consumption. However, it will now be automated. This decision serves as a cautionary measure for drivers, urging them to adhere to road regulations and promptly settle their challans. Failure to comply may lead to various complications.

Over 6,000 vehicles have faced consequences as a result of this measure. These vehicles have been classified under the “Not to be Transacted” category. The drivers of these vehicles will only be permitted to resume their services once they have paid the challan. Authorities have stated that a significant number of these vehicles were issued challans last year for violating the restrictions associated with GRAP. Additionally, data regarding unpaid challans is currently being gathered from the traffic police. The traffic police possess numerous challans that have remained unpaid for an extended period. 
