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Celebrating Children’s Day at Ghar today had started out as an expression of curiosity & a desire to visit this establishment by some of our ladies in response to a media clipping. It turned out into a fun filled and an exciting event, with the 29 girls, the staff & the Trustees of GHAR all hosted by the ladies of Rotary Club of Poona.

The visit was a truly heart warming experience .The simple but aesthetically designed 7 storey tall building houses 29 girls of varying ages and a senior citizen too. For them this is Ghar – ‘A Home’ as envisioned by Gen. Mickie Oberoi and his dedicated team at Sant Ishwar Foundation. In his moving and heartfelt introduction he shared with us his dream of giving girls from marginalized backgrounds a place to call Home where they could experience a sense of belonging ‘an apnapan’, in a loving and nurturing environment.

Rtn Maithili sponsored the Magic show which proved to be great fun for the girls as they watched the ‘Magic’ unfold before their eyes. It was heartening to see those eager eyes brighten up with the Magician’s tricks. These talented girls then performed a dance for the audience on some foot tapping music followed by a few girls singing the song ‘ Hum Honge Kaamayab’.

A befitting song for such an admirable endeavour.
With winter approaching 2 sweaters each – one for home & one for the school were then presented to the girls with the help of donations by Rtn Jayashree, Rtn Maithili and the remaining from the trust.

While the girls tucked into a tasty lunch of Pav bhaji, pulao and cake (Sponsored by Rtn. Trupti) accompanied with pista flavoured milkshakes, the ladies were shown around the facility by IPP Bharat Haladi. The bright and airy classroom, cheerful bedrooms with spacious bunk beds, well stocked study rooms and computers, the spotless kitchen and dining all announced with bold signs revealed the depth of planning and organizing that had gone into creating this beautiful Ghar.

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