PFI ban: MNS celebrates with crackers and sweets

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After a ban was imposed on the Popular Front of India (PFI) by the Central government on September 28, workers of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) led by city unit president Sainath Babar distributed sweets and burst firecrackers.

The Central government banned the PFI and several of its associates for five years under a stringent anti-terror law, accusing them of have links with global terror groups. The ban followed multiple raids by the National Investigation Agency on PFI properties across the nation and the arrest of its members.

“PFI is an anti-national organisation. We are against the slogans raised by them during the arrests. Our party president Raj Thackarey had also earlier demanded the Central government to ban the organisation. We had also asked for people raising offensive slogans to be booked under the sedition law. We are happy and are celebrating the action of the police. We also want to encourage the efforts taken by the police,” said Sainath Babar.

As per reports party leader Babu Wagaskar has asked for a permanent ban on the organisation
