Protest against fuel hike prices held by Pune City District Congress Committee

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For the past few days, surge in fuel prices has left people in grave problem. As with the hike in fuel prices, the prices of essential commodities have also gone beyond people’s imagination and capacity.

In order to draw the governments attention to the increasing problem, Pune City District Congress Committee under the leadership of Nana Patole, a senior Congress leader, led protest in Pune City.

The protest was organised by Sahil Kedari, president, OBC Cell Pune City District Congress Committee, Kevin Manuel, Dinesh Girne, Rajendra Girme, Avinash Kavade, Anup Dixit, Chetan Padwal, Prasad Chagule, Kunal Wagh, Ravi Bamsingh, Manish Pashmatlu, Jamir Shaikh, Akshay Jadhav, Sagar Ambekar, Santosh Bhujbal, Vishal Girme, Raghunath Kedari took part in the rally

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