Pune Metro starts emergency medical room at Civil Court Metro Station

Pune Metro starts emergency medical room at Civil Court Metro Station

Pune Metro starts emergency medical room at Civil Court Metro Station

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The Pune Metro has started an emergency medical room at Civil Court Metro Station for emergency medical assistance for passengers.

As per further information from the X handle of Pune Metro “Emergency Medical Room Opened for Commuters at Civil Court Metro Station. Pune Metro inaugurated an emergency medical room at Civil Court in association with Sancheti Hospital on 15th March 2024. The medical room will provide first aid to all its passengers. It will have medical practitioners, paramedical staff, and essential medicine. In cases of emergency, duty doctors may advise or recommend patients to seek further treatment at a nearby hospital. On this occasion, Maha Metro Managing Director Shravan Hardikar (IAS), Pune Metro Project Directors, Executive Directors, General Manager, and Sancheti Hospital Chairman Dr. Parag Sancheti, Director Ms. Rupal Sancheti, and staff were present.”

In a video regarding the emergency medical room, Shravan Hardikar, Managing Director, Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd, has said “In partnership with Sancheti Hospital, the Metro has launched a facility for commuters, travelling on Metro, for medical check-ups & emergency services that they would need. A lot of commuters use Civil Court Interchnage Metro Station to commute via various lines passing through this. Whenever there is a medical emergency, the medical assistance will be immediately available due to this facility provided by Sancheti Hospital. The medical assistance would be made available free of cost.”

Dr Parag Sancheti, Chairman, Sancheti Hospital, said “Metro is becoming an integral part of Pune city. The number of passengers travelling on Metro are increasing & it is expected that in the next 3 years, the footfall would be close to 4 or 5 lakhs. At that time, a medical room is necessary. Keeping that in mind, we have started this service. Any patients of any medical issue will be given first aid in this room. If further treatment is required, they will be transported to Sancheti Hospital. I would like to thank the entire Maha Metro for this.”

Shreyas Vange
