Pune News : Gagan Adira residents of Wagholi seek help from Lonikand Police Over Failure In Delivering Amenities By Builder

By: Pune Pulse
July 17, 2023
Pune: Residents of Gagan Adira Society in Wagholi are in a fix as they are not getting the promised amenities by the builder but still have to pay maintenance charges.
Speaking to Pune Pulse, Anil Hargude, Resident, Gagan Adira Society, expressing his anger said, “In 2016, the society was completed & booking of flat was initialized. Around 46 amenities were promised by the builder. But, we have got barely 2 or 3. Only 1 out of the total lifts are working while others are always non-functional due to maintenance work. Individual parking space was promised for all 264 flats. However, only half the flats have it. The builder has taken Rs 3.5 lakh for parking however, no space is allocated for it till now. Now, the builder is looking to hand over the society to someone else. However, we only demand that we be given all the amenities we were charged for. Sadly, even those are not given & maintenance charges are taken regularly for everything. Hence, we have complained about the builder & hope that the police take appropriate action.”
Dr Pawan Sonawane, Resident, Gagan Adira Society said, “Booking of flats was done in 2016. The possession was given in 2019. Around 40+ amenities were promised like a community hall, swimming pool, gym, basketball court, volleyball court and many more. However, only amenities of the basketball court & volleyball court are given to date. Parking is provided only for around 150 flats out of 264. Builder has promised to allot parking in the second phase. However, the work for the second phase has not even started yet. An amount of Rs 2 lakh has been taken in the name of corpus funds from each flat. Now the builder says that even they are over. There is no progress in terms of providing other amenities. There is no STP plant. It seems that society’s work isn’t complete at all. Also, how did PMRDA give all permissions to the builder despite this worst situation?”
Bharat Jadhav, Resident, Gagan Adira Society said, “The initial plan of providing 40+ amenities is changed as no amenities are given. We, as common people, book flats in such societies to ensure better amenities for us & our families. But that is not happening over here. Maintenance charges & funds are always taken from us from time to time but no work is done. Apart from that, waterproofing is also not done for society as a lot of water keeps entering through the walls. Then how the structural audit was done despite such issues? Flat owners have become bankrupt paying maintenance & other charges for the amenities & facilities which aren’t even provided to us. Hence, we have filed a complaint with Lonikand Police & are in hope that something concrete & positive would be done about this.”
Assuring the society residents that the builder will be caught soon & all the issues will be resolved, Vishwajeet Kaingade, Police Inspector, Lonikand Police Station, has said that the police are investigating the matter.