Pune News : Three railway gates to remain closed on Khadki – Dapodi – Pimpri line 

Railway gate near Khadki station to remain closed for two days
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It is hereby notified that three railway gates on Khadki – Dapodi – Pimpri railway line will be closed for sometime due to repairs. 

Gate No. 62/AA 3T between Dapodi-Khadki railway station at rail km 184/5-6 will be closed for road traffic on Tuesday 21st March as technical work related to repairs and maintenance will be carried out.

Whereas between Dapodi-Khadki railway station railway km 183/4-5 at railway gate no. 62/A3T The road will be closed to traffic on Wednesday 22nd March due to repairs. During the above period the subway near these railway gates as well as the railway over bridge near 62/A3T will be available as an alternative to road traffic.

Railway Gate No. 61/3E will be closed from Tuesday 21st March to Thursday 23rd March for maintenance and repair work at 61/3E. During this period Kasarwadi (JRD Tata) Railway Over Bridge which is 500 meters from this railway gate will be available for road traffic.


The public is requested to make use of alternative routes during the period of closure of these railway gates.

Nividita Kelapure 
