Pune : PMC issues precautionary measures to tackle rabies

Pune : PMC issues precautionary measures to tackle rabies

Pune : PMC issues precautionary measures to tackle rabies

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The Veterinary Department of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has given safety & precautionary measures for citizens to remain safe & unaffected from the disease of rabies.

As per further information from the X handle of the PMC “Be aware not scared! Rabies can be deadly and it’s necessary to convey it’s seriousness to the general public so that they can stay safe. Let’s see what measures should we take while interacting with our pet friends!”

PMC has suggested the following are the precautionary measures:

How to avoid dog bite? Never do this with a dog –

·         Don’t tease dogs

·         Don’t pull their ears or tail

·         Don’t run in front of the dog

·         Don’t hug the dog

·         Don’t sit on the dog

·         Do not look into the dog’s eyes for too long

The netizens have actively expressed their opinions on this.

An X user said “Recently a family member had to face a dog bite from stray dog. Besides Rs 10000 upward expenses, pains and disruption of daily life is immense. This is getting out of control. PMC & Dog lovers must take responsibility. We cannot have strays running wild. Reduce their number.”

Another X user tweets “But this will not work on free dogs.”

Another X user commented “But what action will be taken against stray dogs and those who just feed them without taking care of them? On Monday my father was bitten by a dog while cycling. Doctors in PMC hospital were busy in meeting. Injections had to be taken from private.”

Another X user tweeted “But let the breeding of stray dogs in the streets increase enormously. Those dogs should be allowed to freely feed people with biscuits, chicken pieces, chicken feet/hooves, wasted food. Do not take any action. People should be careful. Do not do anything as a municipal corporation!”

Shreyas Vange
