Pune : Residents of Khadi Machine Chowk to Pisoli Demand Road Resurfacing to Prevent Accidents

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Pune: Residents and shopkeepers along the stretch from Khadi Machine Chowk to Pisoli are raising concerns over frequent accidents involving bikers and motor vehicles. The narrow road, coupled with uneven patches on the concrete surface, urgently requires resurfacing. This area, comprising Undri, Pisoli, Wadachi Wadi, and Autadewadi, has witnessed significant development in recent years. Additionally, being a highway, it sees heavy traffic flow, including transport vehicles.

Several sections of the road have unlevelled patches, both in terms of concrete and tar surfaces, which have become accident-prone spots for bikers. A shopkeeper near Anjani Amores highlighted the need for resurfacing at various locations, urging the relevant authorities to address the issue promptly to prevent bike accidents.

Pune Pulse raised the matter with Janhavi Rode, Deputy Engineer at the Public Works Department, who assured that the concerned areas would be resurfaced within the next few days, addressing the safety concerns of the residents and bikers.
