Pune Weather Update : Light to moderate rainfall to continue in parts of Pune for next three days

Pune Pulse Weather Report

Weather Report

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PUNE : Light to moderate rainfall is likely to continue in parts of Pune and adjoining areas during the upcoming weekend, India Meteorological Department (IMD) said on Wednesday.

On Wednesday also some parts of Pune received light rains and this will continue through the weekend as well,” said a senior Met official.
The official said that light to moderate rains, accompanied with thunderstorm and gusty winds, will continue in isolated pockets.

IMD officials warned that, do not take shelter under trees during thundery activity. IMD also appealed to the people to not use mobile/unplug electronic appliances during periods of lightning. Weather watchdog requested that windows and doors be closed during periods of strong wind. IMD officials further told that to void travelling during period of strong wind/lightning and drive slow and safe as visibility may reduce and roads may be slippery.

The weather systems very likely to control weather of our State in coming couple of days are :

The trough/wind discontinuity (hawa kee bisangati rekha) runs from South-West MP to South TN

A cyclonic Circulation lies over south Chhattisgarh & neighbourhood.

A fresh Western Disturbance likely to affect Northwest India from 05 May &

A cyclonic circulation is likely to develop over southeast BoB (Bay of Bengal) around 6 th May, 2023. Under its influence a low pressure area is likely to form over the same region around 7th May. It is likely to concentrate into a depression over southeast BoB on 8th May. Thereafter, it is likely to intensify into a Cyclonic storm while moving northwards.

The details of its path and intensification will be provided in coming dates with more updates.
