Pune Women Set Global Record: 75 Songs in 7 Hours by Most Female Singers at One Venue

Pune Women Set Global Record : 75 Songs in 7 Hours by Most Female Singers at One Venue

Pune Women Set Global Record : 75 Songs in 7 Hours by Most Female Singers at One Venue - Pune Pulse

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Pune : Sur Seh Taal, a platform formed by Founders Archana Sampkal, Roma Khemchandani, Reyckha Thadaney, Amina Lalljee & Dipti Shah, attempted for the category MAXIMUM FEMALE SINGERS SINGING SONGS (SINGLE VENUE) on Saturday 7 October’23 at Hotel Shantai, Pune  Maharashtra. There were 75 participants who successfully sang 75 songs in 7 hours. 

Reyckha Thadaney, one of the founding members of the group said, “Thanks to our sir’s cooperation & support, without them this would not be possible. Deepak Upadhyay (played the synthesizer), Milind Turwankar (played Octopad & dholak) Sound Engineer Hrishikesh Sonawane Sir who balanced the vocals with the music & gave the right reverb to make the singers sound good.”
