‘Swagat Cell’ operational in Pune circle for industrial consumers of MSEDCL 

'Swagat Cell' operational in Pune circle for industrial consumers of MSEDCL

'Swagat Cell' operational in Pune circle for industrial consumers of MSEDCL

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‘Swagat Cell’ has been started at Rasta Peth, Ganeshkhind and rural areas of Pune under MSEDCL Pune division to provide prompt service to all industrial consumers (audyogik grahak) of Mahavitaran. 

The Swagat Cell was inaugurated by Pune Regional Director Ankush Nale. Chief Engineer Rajendra Pawar along with entrepreneurs and industrial organizations were present.

As per further information from MSEDCL, in a program organized on Thursday (11th January) at ‘Prakashdoot’ Hall in Rasta Peth, there was an interaction program between senior officials of Mahavitaran as well as entrepreneurs and industrial associations. On this occasion, detailed information about ‘Welcome Cell’ was given through the presentation.

Several entrepreneurs & representatives of industrial associations expressed that prompt customer service and expansion and empowerment of infrastructure power system has increased the confidence of industrial customers regarding distribution. Open communication and communication at the senior level has increased more than before. Due to immediate measures, the volume of complaints has decreased. With these ‘Swagat Cells’, a more prompt platform for customer service is welcome.

Pune Regional Director Ankush Nale said “Industrial customers are the major source of Mahavitaran’s revenue. Thanks to the ‘Swagat Cell’, industrial consumers can now directly contact the mandal level instead of the local office for electricity service and complaints. This cell will coordinate and day-to-day monitoring of the industrial customer services of the local offices.”

Chief Engineer Rajendra Pawar said “Various works of 45 crore electricity infrastructure are going on rapidly in Pune circle under the MIDC electricity improvement scheme. Along with this, another Rs 100 crore plan has been prepared for industrial customers. After the approval, all the works are planned to be completed by next March. There will be no compromise in quality power supply and prompt customer service.”

Superintending Engineer Arvind Bulbule, Yuvraj Jarag, Sanjeev Rathore, Amit Kulkarni and representatives of businessmen and industrial associations Sir Dilip Batwal, Naresh Rathi, Shantaram Jadhav, Sandeep Belsare, Pramod Rane, Navnath Vayal, Prashant Khankhoje, Ram Jogdand, engineers, Officers of Maha distribution were present in the program were present. Executive Engineer and Senior Manager (Finance & Accounts) will be the head of ‘Swagat Cell’.

They will be assisted by 8 to 10 engineers and staff. Billing and power supply complaints of industrial customers will be resolved immediately after contacting this cell. Also, to provide new electricity connection, load increase and other services, the customer will go directly to the door and complete the documents without any delay.

‘Swagat Cell’ Contact Number & Email –

Pune Rural Mandal – 7875767933 and [email protected]

Ganeshkhind Mandal – 7875232929 and [email protected]

Rasta Peth Mandal – 7875767095 and [email protected]

Shreyas Vange
