Travel Advisory: Indian Govt Urges Citizens to Refrain from Traveling to Iran or Israel

Travel Advisory: Indian Govt Urges Citizens to Refrain from Traveling to Iran or Israel

Travel Advisory: Indian Govt Urges Citizens to Refrain from Traveling to Iran or Israel

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In a recent development, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has issued a travel advisory concerning Iran and Israel, advising Indian nationals against traveling to these countries until further notice. The advisory, released on Friday, emphasizes caution and urges individuals to prioritize their safety by avoiding trips to these regions at this time.

Additionally, the MEA has urged all Indian citizens currently residing in Iran or Israel to establish contact with the nearest Indian embassies or consulates. Furthermore, they are encouraged to register themselves with the respective diplomatic missions, ensuring that they stay informed about any updates or developments relevant to their safety and well-being.

This advisory underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring the welfare of its citizens abroad, particularly during times of heightened tensions or uncertainty. By issuing clear directives and facilitating communication with diplomatic representatives, the MEA aims to provide essential support and assistance to Indian nationals residing or traveling in these regions.
