Unauthorised Schools Face Closure: Maharashtra Education Directorate Issues Stern Circular

Pune Education Department Closes 13 Unauthorized Schools, Files Cases Against 10

Pune Education Department Closes 13 Unauthorized Schools, Files Cases Against 10

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Maharashtra’s educational landscape undergoes a transformative shift as the Directorate of Education implements stringent measures against unauthorised schools.

4 May 2024

By Payoshi Bisht

The Directorate of Education has issued a stern circular targeting unauthorised schools across the state. The directive outlines strict measures to be taken against such institutions, including hefty fines and closure.

According to the circular, all unauthorised schools operating within the state are to be shut down before the commencement of the upcoming academic year. Failure to comply will result in severe penalties, with fines amounting to Rs. 10,000 per day for each day the school remains operational after receiving the notice.

Furthermore, the management of these unauthorised schools will face a substantial penalty of Rs. 1 lakh. This move aims to deter the establishment and continuation of schools operating outside the legal framework.

The directive underscores the importance of upholding educational standards and ensuring that only authorised institutions are allowed to function. Any defiance of these regulations will lead to disciplinary action against the education authorities responsible for oversight.

In addition to the crackdown on unauthorised schools, the circular also mandates that all schools prominently display their Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) number. This measure aims to enhance transparency and accountability within the education sector.
