Viral: Outrage Erupts as Videos Show Canara and Bandhan Bank Officers Abusing Staff Over Targets

Viral: Outrage Erupts as Videos Show Canara and Bandhan Bank Officers Abusing Staff Over Targets

Viral: Outrage Erupts as Videos Show Canara and Bandhan Bank Officers Abusing Staff Over Targets

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Two disturbing videos circulating on social media platforms, including X (formerly Twitter), have sparked widespread outrage as they depict officers from Bandhan Bank and Canara Bank verbally abusing their junior staff members for failing to meet targets. 

The footage captures instances of verbal tirades, intimidation tactics, and unreasonable demands for extended work hours. These incidents have triggered a heated debate among netizens regarding workplace ethics and the well-being of employees, prompting both banks to issue responses to the matter.

In one video that surfaced on May 4, a Canara Bank officer named Lokapati Swain is seen berating employees for allegedly prioritizing personal time over work commitments. Swain can be heard shouting and pressuring staff to dedicate extra hours to work, even at the expense of their holidays and family obligations. 

In response to this incident, Canara Bank emphasized that it values the contributions of its employees and their families, condemning Swain’s behavior as not reflective of the bank’s principles. The bank assured that appropriate action would be taken in response to the incident.

In another video that emerged last month, a Bandhan Bank officer identified as Kunal Bhardwaj is shown shouting at a junior employee who purportedly failed to meet monthly targets. The deleted clip captures Bhardwaj using abusive language and questioning the employee’s sense of shame regarding their performance. 

Despite the employee’s apology and pledge to rectify the situation, Bhardwaj continues to berate him, raising further concerns about workplace conduct and employee welfare.

Reacting to this incident, Bandhan Bank said, 

“The Bank has taken cognizance of the incident. At Bandhan Bank, we place high emphasis on values and we condemn such behaviour. We do not endorse or promote such an approach. Necessary action has already been initiated and we will take appropriate steps in line with the Bank’s policy”. 

Despite clarifications from the banks, the videos have sparked outrage among social media users. 

“In an organisation as toxic as yours @canarabank thousands of such cases go unnoticed. What action has been done against one such hyped case? Also we will make sure the employee who highlighted this is not harrassed as you have a history of doing so!” wrote one user. 

“What kind of values you people  are talking about!  Subjugation , threatening ,pressurising, abetment of sucide,” expressed another. “Nothing new ! We all know the working culture in Canara Bank. Neither they respond to any emails nor they pick up any call,” commented a third. 

“My family have years of banking relationship with Canara Bank both assets and liabilities, we have noticed, the staffs have lost their smiles when in bank, now we understand why !!! They are living in so much stress and agony, we will close all our relationship soon”, wrote the next user.

These incidents highlight the importance of maintaining a respectful and supportive work environment, where employees are treated with dignity and fairness. Both Canara Bank and Bandhan Bank have been prompted to address these issues, underscoring the need for organizations to uphold ethical standards and prioritize the well-being of their workforce.
