‘VOTEKAR PUNEKAR’ Campaign for Civic Engagement in Pune’s Electorate

'VOTEKAR PUNEKAR' Campaign for Civic Engagement in Pune's Electorate

'VOTEKAR PUNEKAR' Campaign for Civic Engagement in Pune's Electorate

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Pune, known for its substantial annual budget contributions, often finds itself wanting in terms of developmental returns. 

11th May 2024

By Ishika Kumar

Pune, 11th May, 2024: In a bid to bolster civic participation and amplify the voice of Pune’s electorate, Pune Platform for Collaborative Responses (PPCR) and Team Swachh Kalyani Nagar (TSKN), a resident body, have joined forces to launch the VOTEKAR PUNEKAR initiative. This collaborative endeavour, which commenced on 9th May, 2024 at 6 PM in Kalyani Nagar, signifies a concerted effort to empower citizens and foster inclusive democracy in India, for the citizens of Pune.

Acknowledging Pune’s Vital Contributions to India’s Electoral System:

Pune, known for its substantial annual budget contributions, often finds itself wanting in terms of developmental returns. The need for a more proactive Member of Parliament (MP), one who prioritises inclusive growth over mere infrastructure development, is strongly felt among Pune’s populace. 

Issues such as the preservation of natural resources, like the cleanliness of rivers and the avoidance of riverfront constructions, resonate deeply with citizens who advocate for a cleaner and greener Pune. Moreover, the call for increased accountability from the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) accentuates the community’s desire for effective governance, as conveyed to the Pune Pulse by Mrs. Rachna Agarwal, a citizen of Kalyani Nagar.

Accessible Assistance for Voters:

As a part of PPCR and TSKN’s commitment to voter empowerment, VOTEKAR PUNEKAR ensures that every citizen can easily locate their polling booth, electoral part number and epic number. A citizen help desk, operational from 7 AM to 6 PM on 13th May outside Kalyani bungalow ‘Parvati’ on Central Avenue, will be manned by volunteers, devoid of any political affiliation. It will only be an effort to encourage citizens to exercise their right for suffrage. 

The Importance of Voting:

Beyond the logistical assistance, VOTEKAR PUNEKAR seeks to instil a profound understanding of the significance of voting. Through a symbolic foot march on 9th May, participants demonstrated their collective responsibility in shaping Pune’s future by making informed electoral choices. This campaign conveyed the pivotal role of voting in influencing policies that impact public welfare, infrastructure development and overall quality of life. 

Furthermore, a higher voter turnout ensures diverse perspectives in decision-making processes, thereby strengthening the foundations of democracy. People can register themselves here: https://voters.eci.gov.in/

Building Bridges and Amplifying Voices:

VOTEKAR PUNEKAR bridges communities and amplifies marginalised voices, thereby promoting inclusivity and social cohesion. By enhancing voter awareness, the initiative aims to narrow the gaps exacerbated by rapid urbanisation and socio-economic disparities. Empowering disenfranchised populations increases their chances of being heard and considered in crucial decision-making processes.

Look Forward to the Upcoming Voting Day

With the upcoming voting day scheduled for 13th May, 2024, citizens are encouraged to mark their calendars and exercise their invaluable franchise. TSKN reiterates its commitment to working with the elected representative, irrespective of political affiliations, to address the concerns and aspirations of Pune’s residents. Additionally, individuals who are unable to vote for any reason are urged to apply online, ensuring their preparedness for future elections.

The VOTEKAR PUNEKAR initiative embodies the spirit of community engagement and democratic participation. By collaborating with PPCR and TSKN, Pune’s electorate stands united in its endeavour to build a brighter, more inclusive future. As voting day approaches, let us reaffirm our commitment to shaping Pune’s destiny and realise the vision of a cleaner, greener, and more accountable city.
