Wake up ! Speak about your mental health issues now

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World Mental Health Day is annually observed on 10th October to remind ourselves that mental health is as important as physical health and also to create awareness about mental health issues. 
There is no theme this year as such but at Connecting NGO since a couple of years they have been focusing on the theme- ‘Working together for the cause of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.’ 

Renuka Suryavanshi spoke to Vikramsinh Pawar, Recruitment and Training Incharge about the magnanimous work they have been doing for the last two decades. 
This year at Connecting they are focusing on Integrating Digital Detox as a form of self care. The volunteers this year also attended a workshop Dr Kaustubh Joag.

1.  We have access to unlimited information how can we limit the dependency. Many people are addicted to gadgets and have gone through severe depression phases. 
A : In todays times, technology, internet, Social media, online dating, networking, buisness and Digital media has become an integral part of our lives. We have also developed dependency on internet and digital media for a lot of things. This dependancy has developed in a very short time span. Although the internet and technology has brought the world closer and made businesses and working simpler, an over exposure to many aspects of internet can have serious implications on mental health. It could cause depression, anxiety, fatigue, behavioural malfunctions and trigger already existing Psychiatric Conditions. We usually see a lot of youth glued to their phones addicted to online gaming, seeking validation through social media, dating sites, pornography, etc. An over exposure can cause obsessive and compulsive behaviour. 

2. There are many who are undergoing withdraw symptoms. How can we offer help to them ? 
A : We all need to know that Digital or internet addiction is a real thing. We heavily use technology for work, network and entertainment. But the moment we start over indulging, we can know that this is turning into an OCD and addiction. We can be mindful of the symptoms and try to digitally detox by taking periodic breaks, uninstalling unnecessary applications and avoiding unnecessary indulgence. If we experience severe withdrawal symptoms, one can seek support from a mental health professional. 

3. What is Digital Detox ?? How can an individual implement in his / her life ? 
A :  With too much of internet and information around, we often feel fatigued, drained, anxious, bogged down and at times depressed too. A periodic break is necessary. This break is called Digital Detox. There could be a day of the week or few hours that we completely disconnect from the internet and Digital world to give ourselves the much needed break. Other personal self care routines can be implemented in this time which ideally doesnt involve technology of any sort. These small periodic breaks help ones mind rejuvenate by eliminating the fatigue entailed by screen time. Inclusion of digital detox is good not just for physical health but mental health too.

4. How to identify if someone is going through mental health issues ? How can we become empathetic ? 
A : Someone on tremendous emotional distress and feeling suicidal needs that caring, non judgemental and empathetic listening support. Anyone can give that. We all dont need to be a mental health professional to identify someone who is experiencing emotional pain and just offer our genuine caring presence. We need to accept that Emotional distress is inevitable, there are people with some Psychiatric conditions and people out there who feel suicidal. All we need to know is that it’s okay not to be okay and help is available. There are several Helplines and support groups which are safe spaces for people to seek much needed emotional support. When we accept that it’s okay not fo be okay that is when the stigma around mental health truly starts breaking.

5. What are the different ways in which Connecting NGO has helped by saving human lives ? 
A : Connecting is a Pune based social organization working in the field of Mental health with a key focus on Suicide Prevention since last 15 years. We have 4 programs which are implemented by a thoroughly trained team of volunteers and mentors.

Through our programs we provide emotional support to- 

♤People in emotional distress, those feeling suicidal through our distress Helpline program. 
♤Enotional support to survivors of suicide (persons who have attempted and survived or persons who have lost a loved one or a family member to suicide) through Hospital and Community visits.
♤Create awareness on the topic to sensitize and reduce stigma around suicide with various stakeholders 
♤Peer Educators Program a mental health awareness cum support program for adolescents in schools. 

All emotional support at Connecting is provided through MBAL (Mindful based active listening) which is based on principles like Non Advisory, Non Judgemental, Respect, Presence, Confidenciality, Anonymity and most importantly *Unconditional Positive Regard which in simple words is Love.*