Woollen clothes’ sellers face difficulty in Pune

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According to India Meteorological Department (IMD) Pune, the current month of December is the warmest in the last 10 years.

Pune: As the Pune city is yet to witness chilly winter weather, the roadside woollen clothes’ sellers mostly around Laxmi road are having a tough time. They have not made any profit in the last two months.  

The minimum temperature of the city is hovering around and above 16 degrees Celsius, whereas during December in general the minimum temperature is around and below 11 degrees Celsius. According to India Meteorological Department (IMD) Pune, the current month of December is the warmest in the last 10 years.

The sellers in the city come from many Indian cities and also, from Nepal. Sweaters are sold within the range of Rs 300-Rs 500 while Jackets are sold at Rs 1000. Sellers return to their native place in February.


“We are hardly getting a couple of customers in a day.  After many years, we are facing such a dull business. We used to earn Rs 1000 or Rs 1500 every day till last year, however this time we are not even managing to earn Rs 500,” said Ram Singh who has come from Punjab to sell winter clothes.

Another seller Mohammed Asif who came from Delhi said, “We expected winter to set in December but it has not happened this year. Generally, when we are nearing Christmas, Pune’s minimum temperature goes down to 10 degrees Celsius. We are praying that the winter season starts soon.”
